Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Something from the other side of the world

The last few days I have been skiing every day, having interesting rides with interesting people up and down the mountain. A few more highspeed crashes (have to work on my stepturning!)
I have mainly been walking up the mountain though with the pink sunrise, crack of dawn, orange and salmon hues, peach paints the jagged monte Olivia with its blinding white teeth. Sometimes I ski with my head down, puffing away, thinking about technique and strides, weight over the ski, kick, push down and back, hips forward... and then I look up and realize that really none of this matters. Recently I was talking with a good friend of mine and I told him that if I wasn´t amazed with the world at every instant, then I was not paying attention or not fully using my senses... Moments like these...

But I would like to talk a moment about something that is happining in Canada. Again, I am amazed by the world, in this instance it is negative. Toronto. G20 summit. Protests, riots... riot
What is the news about. The news covers the people dressed in black breaking windows and lighting cars on fire. I have my doubts about these people. I think that they have been placed there by corporate people and governments to distract people from the real issues. (which would not be abnormal, it has been done and proved before).
But really, none of this matter, whether they were placed there by people in whose interest it is to distract people from problems, or whether they are anarchistic (which in itself is impossible given true roots of anarchism) or whether they are simply hooligans is absolutely unimportant.
It is absolutely embarrassing that the powers that be, the media and every person who swallows this ridiculous propaganda is paying so much attention to these few people. In doing so we are complicite, indeed we are guilty of the very crimes that are being committed behind those closed doors, we are taking a side. We are protesting about a small childs screams instead of noticing that it is screaming because it has been left out in the cold and abandoned.

From this moment on I refuse to talk about the few people throwing molotov coctails or breaking windows. Instead I will engage in conversation about massive privatization, corporate socialism (my term to describe the action of governenments using taxpayers money to bail out massive corporations). I will talk about government overspending on security, on paranoia and racial profiling, on restriction of human rights to protect capital. I will talk about corporate negation of human and environmental rights. But please to not ask me to be distracted by videos of petty vandalism when people are dying in the street of hunger.

That is all
(Please excuse this apparently irate diatribe...In reality, I am not fuming, I am simply being firm in what I consider to be a horribly disproportionate evaluation of current events)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam,
    Interesting to hear what is being reported about us in the rest of the world. 2 sites where you can get the real news about the G20 protests, both good and bad stuff, and Realnews (i forget if Real News is .ca )

